Dr. Senam Okudzeto is a transnational artist, writer and scholar, (Ghana/UK/USA). Having spent her childhood living in Ghana, Nigeria and the UK, she now divides the year between projects in Basel, London, New York and Accra.
Okudzeto has a PhD. in Cultural Studies from the London Consortium, Birbeck, London She received her BA from the Slade School of Fine Art, UCL, her Master's from the Royal College of Art, and continued post-graduate study at the Whitney Museum Independent Study Program. University. In 2003/2004 she was awarded a research fellowship at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Studies at Harvard University. Projects include solo shows, 'We Wanted the Object to Be the Subject, (Before we wanted the reverse)' at Centre Culture Suisse (CCS) Paris (2019) and PS1 MoMA -'Portes-Oranges' (2007); as well as group shows such as Dada Afrika, Museum Rietberg, Zurich (2016), the Dak'Art Bienalle in Senegal (2006), 'Africa Remix' at the Centre Pompidou (2005) and "Freestyle" at the Studio Museum in Harlem (2001).
Okudzeto has taught in schools and Universities in Europe, the USA and West Africa and has received numerous awards and fellowships, including the artist's residency at the Studio Museum in Harlem 2000/2001, a Pollock Krasner award in 2002, and the Stiftung Laurenz Haus residency 2002 in Basel. Okudzeto has published a number of peer review essays, including “Remembering African Cities: Rethinking Urban Conservation as Radical Public History”, in Historic Cities: Issues in Urban Conservation, Eds. Cody & Siravo, Readings in Conservation Series, The Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles, 2019, “Emotive Histories; The Politics of Remembering Slavery in Contemporary Ghana”, The Journal of Atlantic Studies (Routledge, 2012), “Feminist Time: A Conversation, Rosalyn Deutsch, Aruna D'Souza, Miwon Kwon, Ulrike Müller, Mignon Nixon, Senam Okudzeto”Grey Room (Spring 2008).
She has served on the Global Agenda Council for the Role of the Arts in Society at the World Economic Forum, the Scientific and Organizing Committee for Saison Africa 2020 France, and the editorial board of Art Journal, as well as being the founder of Art in Social Structures, an international NGO which provides educational initiatives and social development projects in Ghana through funding provided by artists.