Veronica Eady Famira is is Associate General Counsel and manages the Environmental Justice Program at New York Lawyers for the Public Interest (NYLPI), a nonprofit, civil rights law firm that strives for social justice.
Before joining NYLPI, Ms. Eady Famira held a faculty position in the Department of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning at Tufts University, where she taught Environmental Justice, Environmental Communication and Education, Legal Frameworks in Social Policy, and Air Quality. Prior to her work at Tufts, Ms. Eady Famira was Director of the Environmental Justice and Brownfields Programs for the Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs. Ms. Eady Famira served as the principle crafter of the first-ever environmental justice policy and program for Massachusetts’ environmental agencies. This policy has been converted into legislation that is now pending before the state legislature.
Ms. Eady Famira is also the former executive director of Alternatives for Community and Environment in Roxbury, Massachusetts. She taught at Stanford Law School, running its Environmental Justice Clinic, and is a former visiting scholar at Golden Gate Law School in San Francisco and at Irkutsk State University in Irkutsk, Russia in where she helped create the first environmental law clinic in the Russian Federation. Ms. Eady Famira also worked for six years as an enforcement attorney with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Ms Eady Famira is the recent former chair of EPA’s federal advisory committee for environmental justice, the National Environmental Justice Advisory Council and serves on several other boards.